During April 2018 & while going to gym I was thinking of how I can reach to advanced abs workout & side lateral workout level.
As soon as I reached gym, I met Shaad bhai!
Me: Shaad bhai, my upper abdomen is growing at a great pace, however I am more worried about my lower abs. It pains a lot when I start increasing repetitions with each passing set. I think we should devote one day in a week to functional plus abs to build stamina for overcoming this pain situation.
Shaad: You are right Sushant ji! We should also focus on weighted abs. Let us go to terrace & start with some high electric functional & strongman workout.
Me: Copy that Shaad bhai!
We immediately climbed terrace & started workout with hammer strength. With 3 sets of 15 repetitions each, I was feeling like drinking 2 to 3 glasses of water since the workout demanded an extreme level of stamina. Then we did puddling rope & 80 Kgs tyre turns (3 sets, 15 repetitions each) which made me realize the true value of core strength. We then proceeded to do chin-ups & tiger walk alternately.
Me: Shaad bhai these advanced abs workouts were so exhausting but I really enjoyed this.
Shaad: Sushant ji, I am sure you will reach core level of strength after overcoming pain which you could feel from this electric powered functional & strongman training.
Me: I also believe so sir.
We continued these high level of advanced abs workout for next 10 days , increasing the difficulty with each passing day.
After 2 weeks when I started doing lower abs, I could observe a difference in my core strength.