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Introducing ORAHYG

Empowering you & dentists with our advanced Oral microbiome solution with deeper level of molecular insights & category defining precision interventions & treatment solutions.

Our breakthrough oral microbiome functional activity solution is unraveling the potential of oral microbiome in oral diseases as well as decoding the connection between oral health & systemic diseases with unprecedented molecular health insights.

  • Easy at home sample collection & scalable oral test
  • A detailed view of your oral & other areas of health via 10 functional pathway scores for you & your dentist
  • Decode root cause of Gingivitis, Oral Cavity, Bad Breath, dry mouth & Gum Disease
  • Early detect development of Type 2 diabetes, dementia, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases & cancer
  • AI & data driven precision nutrition interventions
  • Personalized treatment plans for your dentists

Oral Microbiome Connection with Overall Health

Mouth being the starting point of digestive tube, the first line of defense, is implicated in development of many systemic diseases besides oral health issues.

Oral health issues caused by Oral microbial dysbiosis—such as Gingivitis,  cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss does not stay in mouth but has a far reaching impact & triggers development of a range of chronic diseases & cancer.

From nutrition choices ,chronic stress, high saliva acid level, alcohol,  and beauty products, numerous factors could compromise your oral microbiome & impact overall health.

Research & clinical evidence have established a clear connection between oral health & systemic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, rheumatoid arthritis & number of cancers.

ORAHYG is pioneering application of microbial science to bridge the gap between dentistry & systemic health. By providing you & your dentist with unparalleled molecular level insights through oral microbial pathways & association precision nutrition interventions to address root cause, we are empowering you to better control your health & lead a healthier & happier lives.


What ORAHYG Offers?

ORAHYG empowers you & your dentist to go beyond standard oral care to determine root  cause of systemic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, dementia, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancers & more with supreme precision.

Just like gut, your oral microbiome is really unique & you share not more than 5% of microbes with others. Analyzing functions of your oral microbes & decoding the metabolites they produce is key to unravel the mystery behind oral diseases as well as improving health status of overall biological functions & optimize your beneficial oral microbial activities.

Genefitletics unique human microbiome therapeutics platform adopts a system biology approach & applies machine learning on the top of it to identify underlying molecular signature of oral & other chronic diseases & provide you personalized disease modifying interventions which other standard tests miss.

Biological Sample collection : Our at home scalable sample collection kit is the most convenient method to collect your saliva which is then picked by our logistics partners.

We analyze: Your oral microbial functions

What you get?

-14 molecular level scores & detailed report for you & your dentist.

-Precision nutrition-food + supplement recommendations for 6 months as well as personalized detailed plan so that your dentist can bring more precision & accuracy in their treatment.

-You have an option to top up ORAHYG with the UP THE GUT- gut microbiome functional activity test at INR 10,000 extra.

-Reduce risk /overcome Gingivitis, Periodontitis, tooth decay cavities & gum disease

-Support oral health by promoting activities of beneficial oral microbes

-Eliminate Bad Breath

-Optimal saliva pH levels

-Regulate immune system responses

-Overcome Gut Inflammation

-Improve dental health

-Predict & reduce risk of systemic diseases such as Dementia, Cardiovascular Diseases, Type 2 diabetes, IBD & Arthritis

-Collect your saliva sample. We get it picked from your place

-Fill up detailed phenotype form

-Within 4 weeks you will get your results, detailed reports & food & supplement recommendations for 6 months

Our Science + Mathematics way of Regulating Biological Functions tied to Overall Health

Your oral microbiome is impacted by stress, your dietary choices, smoking, alcohol, mouthwash, toothpaste & hygiene practices. These factors can imbalance your oral microbiome & overtime trigger various symptoms classified as disease. Similar to gut microbiome, microbes in your mouth rely on nutrients you feed them with the food you eat to keep your oral microbial ecosystem in balance.

Going beyond mere existence of bacteria, we focus on functions of oral microbiome to inform you precision nutrition & supplement recommendations to promote beneficial oral microbial activities.

Dentistry Health Scores

We provide oral health scores based on unique functional activity of your oral microbiome. Unlike other tests that focuses on your DNA, we use functional activity analysis which provides deeper molecular insights of oral microbiome & decode early signatures of Gingivitis, Periodontitis, gum disease, oral cavities & other systemic & chronic diseases

With these insights & associated nutrition interventions &  treatment programs, you can track improvement in  molecular signatures indicative of oral & systemic diseases. ORAHYG is the only test in Asia that converts your oral microbiome functions into molecular insights that can be monitored over time for transformative outcomes.

Breath Odor assessment decodes state of oral microbiome functions & bad Odor due to microbial activities by class of certain pathogenic & commensal bacteria. We decode microbial activities associated with sub scores such as Volatile sulfide & polyamines production as well as acidic environment. For sulfide production scores, we consider hydrogen sulfide & Methyl mercaptan while for polyamines, we calculate putrescine, cadaverine, Spermidine, Spermine production. A low Breath Odor score is considered to be suboptimal.

Healthy & balanced oral microbiome has low level of lactobacillus & medium level of streptococcus species. During oral microbiome dysbiosis, activities of some specific species of these microbes are elevated. This results in production of free radicals, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetoin which poses high health risk. A high Genotoxic potential score is considered to be suboptimal.

Pathogenic activity indicates activity of oral pathobionts which has an inflammatory impact on health. Pathobionts are commensals who, under normal conditions, do not do harm or provide benefits to the host. However in situations of oral dysbiosis, when they dominate the oral ecosystem, can trigger inflammation & disease.Oral diseases such as Gingivitis & Periodontitis occur during excessive inflammatory activity of these pathobionts. For some people, these oral diseases can have a far reaching impact on host defenses & immune response & can cause type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis & dementia.This score covers flagellar production & LPS production. A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

Gum inflammatory score measures activities of microbes present in the oral cavity that can trigger pro-inflammatory activity, thereby causing dental plaque & worsening the gums. Chronic exposure to these functions can cause Gingivitis & Periodontitis which can increase risk of systemic inflammation & further impact impaired host defense mechanism.The pathogenic bacteria doing harmful activities can thrive in detail plaque, form biofilms & trigger pro-inflammatory responses,Chronic gum inflammation can cause loss of tooth enamel and dentin (the two outer layers of the teeth). A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

Dental health score measures the functions of pro-carcinogenic & anti-carcinogenic microbial species in the mouth & identifies microbes involved in oral cavities as well as those associated with carbohydrate metabolism & acid production that degrades teeth & dentin.A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

Oral cavity score decodes the activities & functions of bacteria & fungi associated with development of Cavities & even protection against dental cavities as well as risk of oral & throat cancer. The score also covers biofilm formation & acid production that can trigger formation of cavities. Net score of cavity promoting & preventing activities drives this score. A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

Nitric Oxide production score measures activities & functions of microbes associated with production of nitric oxide. This metabolite promotes beneficial activities & is associated with regulating blood pressure & insulin sensitivity & reducing risk of dementia.A low score is considered to be suboptimal.

SCFA Production score measures activities of microbes that produce SCFA compounds- Butyrate, Acetate & Propionate. SCFAs can affect transmission processes in the central nervous system and thus regulate cognitive function. However certain oral microbes can synthesize SCFA into lactic & acetic acid impacting saliva pH level & leading to oral dysbiosis which exacerbates periodontitis and dental caries & also triggers immune system activation & local inflammation. An average score is considered to be good.

Lipopolysaccharides Production score measures production of LPS by certain commensal & pathogenic bacteria that can cross the blood brain barrier, trigger increased synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the development of neuroinflammation & increase risk of dementia.The production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF- α,interleukin 6 (IL-6), and transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) which which are involved in formation of atherosclerotic lesions.A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

TMAO production measures activities of microbes producing compounds- TMA which is oxidized into TMAO. TMAO can lead to development of atherosclerotic lesions in the vessels. A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

H2S Production measures activity of microbes producing sulfurous compounds that convert sulfate in foods into Hydrogen sulfide which has pro-inflammatory impact & is said to cause halitosis, oral inflammation & even increase risk of oral cancer. However H2S also triggers anti-oxidation, improves insulin sensitivity & regulates cardiovascular functions.H2S when combined with Nitric Oxide can have beneficial effects. An average score is considered to be good.

Ammonia production measures functions of microbes producing ammonia compounds from the nitrogenous compounds- urea & arginine which has pro-inflammatory impact & can cause demineralization of tooth surfaces, dental caries & plaque. A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

Oral Mucin Degradation Pathways measures the activities of microbes involved in degradation of mucin. Mucin acts as a barrier which protects the mouth. Microbe involved in mucin degradation consume mucin & produce compounds such as fucose & sialic acid. Degradation of mucin is connected with dry mouth & cavities & formation of biofilms. Excess mucin degradation can also lead to periodontal disease & increase risk of cardiovascular disease. A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

Polyamines Production measures activities of microbes involved in production of polyamines such as Putrescine, cadaverine, Spermidine, Spermine which has pro-inflammatory impact & is said to cause halitosis. A high score is considered to be suboptimal.

Disease Modifying Interventions

We provide personalized  interventions that are divided into Nutrition interventions & hygiene recommendations.

The nutrition interventions carved out based on oral health scores are designed to reduce the risk of oral & systemic diseases & provide nutrients & fuel to oral microbes for regulating your biological functions to

-Inhibit growth of bacteria causing plaque & other oral diseases

-Optimize saliva pH level

-Provide energy to microbes degrading mucin to prevent proinflammatory activities

-Regulate your glycemic response to various foods

Hygiene recommendations are focussed on reducing specific risk associated practices & provide suggestions for toothpaste, probiotic lozenges, mouthwash & flossing techniques to support oral health. This would also cover treatment recommendations for periodontal care & oral care products.

PROTEBA- Our Human Microbiome Therapeutics Platform 

Our platform boasts of marrying system biology with machine learning to deliver disease modifying outcomes.

Our system biology approach includes mining millions of data sets collected from next generation sequencing technology & converting them into biological pathways which is the starting point of investigating range of chronic diseases.

We have build human biology models that uses our proprietary mathematically drawn machine learning algorithm to combine biological pathway data, customer phenotype data & scientific & clinical literature in order to arrive at biological pathway scores, health insights & pre-symptomatic molecular signatures predictive of chronic diseases.

Our machine learning models marries the activity level of various biological pathways with molecular ingredients in food to arrive at precision nutrition & hygiene interventions to restore your overall health.

How our microbiome therapeutics as a service fares up with other microbiome & DNA tests?

Although DNA can tell about ancestry & rare genetic disorders, it cannot decode current health symptoms. DNA does not change during life & hence food interventions based solely on DNA does not change even if an individual experiences health issues. The underlying cause of multiple health issues is generally altered genes expression which is driven by human microbial functions.Genefitletics decodes & analyze microbial functions at molecular level & transform them into biological pathways to offer nutrition, supplement biotics interventions to help you bring back body in state of balance.

Most Microbiome testing companies, unlike Genefitletics, are just focussed on microbial DNA & can only tell you which microorganisms are there in the gut. They cannot decode functions of these microbes inside the gut, what they are doing, what they are producing, their activities & behavior. For instance, two people suffering from type 2 diabetes may have completely different organisms but these organisms produce the same metabolite that causes type 2 diabetes. These tests cannot even tell if those microbes are active or dormant.

Genefitletics ‘s microbiome therapeutics as a service decode functional activity of microbiome & gives a complete picture of metabolites being produced by microbiota such as production of beneficial byproducts- butyrate, antioxidants, vitamin & minerals & release of harmful toxins such as LPS, TMA, Methane, Ammonia, Putrescine & more.

Food sensitivity tests measure antibodies to foods. Foods that are listed on your food sensitivity tests may be actually good for you. You may be eating a lot of that food while suffering from intestinal permeability aka leaky gut. Leaky gut is the outcome of prolonged chronic inflammation that damages gut lining, allowing a lot of food particles & even bacteria to cross the barrier & enter the bloodstream & making the immune system release antibodies in response to those foods, bacteria or any other substances. The food sensitivity reactions are Ig mediated immune system responses causing inflammation & triggering symptoms such as bloating,constipation, headache, migraine & more.
