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Best foods for summer to keep body hydrated

Summer has already arrived & most of us would be focussing on getting that summer body in shape. While you will be engaged in workout focussed on strength & stamina, consumption of the following nutrient rich foods are of at-most importance to keep yourself hydrated & free from all deficiencies:


Tomatoes are not only filled with antioxidants & vitamin but also contain lycopene which is helpful in preventing chronic diseases such as Cancer.

Celery & fennel

These stimulates your kidney to throw waste & extra fluid from your body, thereby keeping your body hydrated & at the same time prevents bloating of your tummy


Zucchini is considered to be one of the better food for summers since it contains fiber called pectin which helps in reducing cholesterol level.


Oranges are considered to be best fruit for summer given the fact that it is made up of 80% water which keeps you hydrated during scorching heat. Besides, it overcomes the deficiency of potassium during summers, keeping you away from muscle cramps.


Watermelon’s high water content not only keep you cool & hydrated but also keep you full stomach, curbing your desire for food cravings. It also contains lycopene which prevents skin cells from heat damage.


The low fat & high protein filled yoghurt fills your tummy & avoids overeating of high calorie foods. Further, it also provides your body with probiotics which helps in maintaining healthy digestive system.


Salmon is high source of protein & contains omega-3 which reduces the chances of health diseases


Avocados, healthy source of monounsaturated fat, are considered as super food for good heart & total wellness


Consume handful of almonds, cashews & peanuts to get monounsaturated & polyunsaturated fats which also helps in reducing the bad cholesterol

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