Your Biology is unique, it needs data driven cellular level precision for better health & longevity

Report improvement in key areas of metabolic health

Report reduction in triglyceride levels

Report improvement in gum health


Working at  intersection of system biology & machine learning, our molecular data platform 

Metabolic diseases & cancer at an earliest stage

Discovery of novel targets to deliver disease modifiable therapeutic interventions

Enable doctors to deliver precise treatments through access to never captured molecular insights

Key master regulators of longevity at cellular level to improve biological age 

Explore our tests

This full body biochemistry test measures your gut & oral microbiome & cellular functions to optimise your health & promote longevity

This test measures gut microbiome functions to decipher underlying cause of chronic inflammation & its impact on systemic health

 This at-home test identifies, measures & detects early & pre-tumour molecular signatures associated with early stage oral cancer

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What’s Included?

Upto 400 biochemical pathway scores

Your results measure the microbiome & mitochondria molecular functions, toxins & beneficial metabolites secreted by microbiome & disease prediction scores.

Data Driven Precision Therapeutics

Disease modifying nutritional therapeutics, supplements & biotics interventions aligned with your biochemicals to regulate your biochemical functions at molecular level.

Platform for Healthcare practitioners

Access to your unique insights available to your healthcare practitioners to align their treatment with your unique biology.

The Value Dominance for better Health & Longevity


Go beyond DNA & irrelevant healthcare delivery data to prevent onset & recurrence of metabolic diseases & cancer


Detect oral cancer at the earliest stage before the tumor develops.


Bridge the gap between oral & systemic health


Predict onset of Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease & halitosis


Predict glycemic response to 300 + foods


Detect Autism in Children at an Early stage

Replacing somatic mutation theory with mitochondrial metabolic disease, our science is making a paradigm shift in how we view, prevent & treat cancer
We are revolutionizing cancer prevention with our early detect test & carcinogenic molecule eliminating therapeutics
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What our Customers Think?

We are currently recruiting participants for our upcoming study to elucidate the role of oral & gut microbiome in onset of Irritable Bowel Disease

Interested candidates can reach out to us at
