What’s Included?

Upto 400 biochemical pathway scores
Your results measure the microbiome & mitochondria molecular functions, toxins & beneficial metabolites secreted by microbiome & disease prediction scores.

The Value Dominance for better Health & Longevity
Go beyond DNA & irrelevant healthcare delivery data to prevent onset & recurrence of metabolic diseases & cancer
Genefitletics by the Numbers
Redefining molecular level precision with high quality sequencing, clinical studies & molecular data driven deep learning human biology models to bridge the gap between research & real world commercial applications for improving patient health outcomes
10 billion
Molecular data sequenced, processed, mined & analysed
10 million
Biochemical Functions Measured
36 million
Molecular Features Extracted
10 million
de-identified research data to drive scientific discoveries
Deep learning models built to elucidate early molecular signatures for metabolic diseases