1. How does Genefitleltics work?

Your body is a sack of thousands of biochemical reactions, encompassing chemistry unique to you. While we acquire 25,000 genes from our parents, microbes living on & inside our body accounts for around 2 million genes. Our Genes are static & do not change during life , however it is the expression of those genes that programs our biology for either health or disease. 99% of genes are expressed by our microbiome which is influenced by external triggers- nutrition, stress environment & hygiene with nutrition having a major impact on our microbiome. Food we eat is information & it gives instructions to DNA. Based on these instructions, specific genes are turned which are copied into RNA. RNA transforms gene sequences into a protein that stimulates, activates or deactivates biological functions that gives us health or disease. Genefitletics measures these functions by analyzing your microbial activities via 40 plus microbial pathways.

Every customer’s Genefitletics journey starts with their biological sample. Currently we analyze your gut microbiome( fecal sample) & oral microbiome(saliva sample) functions via our system biology platform. UP THE GUT & LIllbio( gut microbiome) & ORAHYG(oral microbiome) sits inside our system biology platform that works at the intersection of three vital technologies. It uses Next Generation Sequencing to collect your molecular data~ 5 mn data points by sequencing your biological sample(fecal, saliva), process the data using advanced bioinformatics tool to construct most comprehensive microbiome functions & genes expression data & analyze the same through proprietary mathematical algorithm to generate 40 plus biological pathway scores & disease prediction models for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease & autism. The pathway scores form the basis for informing the precision nutrition & supplement recommendations.

Our system biology platform gives you a complete digital footprint of your body & transforms your digital molecular data into disease modifying interventions.

2. How is a biological sample collected & shipped?

We offer the most convenient process of collecting your biological sample. The sample collection kit is shipped to your address registered with us. The kit contains all the instructions to collect the sample & prepare the sample for shipping to our CAP accredited wet lab. We arrange for the pick up of the sample within 24-36 hours of your written/email confirmation.

These videos explain how to collect your biological sample & prepare it for shipping : 

UP THE GUT/Lillbio

3. How do I subscribe to the service & what does it cover?

Genefitletics offers a 6 months subscription program for any of the solutions- UP THE GUT, LILLBIO & ORAHYG. This covers sequencing, detailed molecular analysis, 40 plus biological pathways, disease prediction, predictive glycemic response to 320 plus foods, precision nutrition, supplement & biotic recommendations mapped with your unique biochemistry. The recommendations are classified into superfoods, enjoy, moderate & avoid with specific amount & frequent of each food is recommended to you based on your unique biochemistry.

Further the recommendations are categorized into 3 stages in a time span/stage of 1 month, 3 months & 2 months. At the end of each stage , we collect your phenotype data through a scientifically designed phenotype form to track your current state of symptoms. Based on this data longitudinal data sets, we revised your recommendations. Therefore in every stage you will get a seperate/different set of recommendations based on improvement in symptoms. 

Besides, you also get access to a unique nutrition planner which allows you to plan your diet & create your nutrition tableau based on your unique biology driven recommendations carved out for us. This obviates the need to hire a nutritionist or health coach

The platform also allows to evaluate the efficacy of the recommendations at any point in time through self filled clinically validated questionnaires

Please note that our recommendations are completely data driven based on the molecular data collected & analyzed through our system biology platform & there is no room for guess work, anecdotal evidence or belief systems.

4. How long does it take to receive complete analysis & recommendations?

Once we have received your sample & you have filled up the phenotype form( separate section in system biology platform), it will take 4-5 weeks to give you entire analysis & recommendations.

5. How is Genefitletics different from other microbiome solutions available in the market?

Most microbiome tests in the market focus on just microbial taxonomy & DNA & decodes only which microbes are there. Since our body is a sack of biochemical reactions & our cells do not have eyes & brains, they respond to biochemical signals only. Microbes behave differently in every individual based on the environment they live in.Each microbe is capable of producing both pro-inflammatory chemicals & anti-inflammatory chemicals depending upon what we feed them with. Same microbe in one individual may produce proinflammatory metabolites while in another produce anti-inflammatory molecules. Therefore just decoding microbial taxonomy, DNA( which does not change) or which microbe is there is a flawed approach. 

Genefitletics adopt a system biology approach & focusses on biochemical functions of gut & oral microbiome. We go beyond DNA & focusses on downstream functions performed & genes expressed by microbiome. We consider your body as a connected superorganism, measure microbial, metabolic & immune pathways to determine how the microbiome is interacting with you human as a host & decode the underlying cause of a range of oral & chronic diseases. We focus on decoding pre-symptomatic/Asymptomatic molecular signals to predict the disease onset rather than managing the post disease symptoms.

This unique blend of science & technology sets us apart from other microbiome testing companies in the market.
