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Do you Know?

Risk & development of chronic diseases, asthma, autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorders & respiratory diseases begin even before the baby is born
First few important meals of the baby take place even before she is born
Parents have the biggest impact on a baby’s gut health during pregnancy and a baby’s first 12 months
During the vaginal birth process, the baby gets exposed to the mother’s gut & vagina microbiome & swallows them
Mother’s breast milk cannot be digested by the baby & is in fact metabolized by gut  microbes of baby into beneficial short chain fatty acids which protects the baby against chronic illnesses
Beneficial short chain fatty acids regulate metabolic health, develop the child’s immune system, digestive organ & brain & neuron network of your child
If child is born through C-section, he/she gets exposed to unfriendly microbiomes coming from external environment such as skin, doctors, nurses as well as hospitals & is at highly risk of developing chronic illnesses
Even one cycle of antibiotics can kill both beneficial & harmful bacteria in a baby’s gut triggering a wave of chronic inflammation
As the microbiome recovers from antibiotics, the first to grow back will be unfriendly antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making child develop allergies, infections & other pathogenic diseases
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This wouldn’t be anymore! Genefitletics is set out to unlock the potential of gut microbiome in infant health

Your Gut Microbiome Health

Your gut microbiome can be considered the Chief executive of your health. Trillions of microbes living in your gut help you digest food, provide you with beneficial nutrients, optimize your weight, neutralize toxins & pathogens, kill bad bacteria, and regulate a host of other biological functions that are responsible for programming your biology for health. What your microbes do with the food you eat either results in release of beneficial byproducts that optimizes your health or produces toxins that can promote inflammatory activity, alter your genes expression & makes you develop chronic diseases.

Lill’Bio- Baby’s gut microbiome

Full gut Species Stack Function & Activity +Gut Microbial Diversity + Gut Microbial genes expression + microbial- human body interactions + microbial-food interactions

Asia’s first & only Gut microbiome test for babies decodes activities of your baby’s gut microbiome, tells your baby’s gut type & analyzes how these activities are benefiting or impairing development of baby including immune system strength, metabolic health, brain development & digestive efficiency. Our disease prediction signatures predict how close or far your baby is from developing neurodegenerative disorders such as autism.

Our unique way of decoding your unique biology starts with tangible biological samples which your baby’s body produces. These samples can be easily collected at home which is sequenced in our state of art sequencing facility to uncover the activities & composition of bacteria, fungi & yeast living inside of your baby’s gut.

Unlike genetic tests which are static, microbiomes are evolving, changing & programming your baby’s biology for health or disease. By retesting & tracking you baby’s gut biological pathways, you can identify what is causing gut imbalances & adopt mechanisms of action to promote anti-inflammatory activities inside the body & suppress proinflammatory activities.


10 high-level biological pathways will determine your food and supplement recommendations for the next 4-6 months.

Sample collection: stool 


From Test to Interventions

1. Your baby’s unique biology, decoded

Your test allows us to collect biological data reflecting activities & behavior of single & multi cellular organisms living in your baby’s gut using our next generation sequencing technology & analyze them using our state of art translational science algorithm- PROTEBA.

Composition & functional activity of gut microbiome is associated with everything from metabolic diseases, skin issues, digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, brain development, respiratory infections, & more. Get detailed breakdown & functional activity of all microbes including those missed out by traditional testing methods

Your biological sample- stool swab

Fill up phenotype form

We sequence your baby’s biological sample using next generation sequencing tech to find out which microbes are present & what they are doing.

Run our algorithm to measure & score your baby’s gut biological pathways.

Your child’s immune system strength-and whether they have microbes active to protect the gut and improve immune system tolerance.

Your child’ s molecular signature for development of allergies, eczema, type 1 diabetes, autoimmune disorders & autism spectrum disorder.

Is your child’s gut is colonized by harmful pathogens & antibiotic resistance bacteria that can make your child develop infections.

We are on a mission to demystify human health at the molecular level & address the unique biology of an individual by converging tech with science to get rid of chronic diseases. When you sign up for Genefitletics’ revolutionary LILL’BIO human biology test to decode your child’s holistic health, you entrust us with your important information & we are inclined towards maintaining your biological data safe & secure.

2. Molecular insights & scores

Comprehensive 10 biological pathway scores that are decoding underlying cause of poor health & onset of chronic diseases at molecular level

Our blend of tech with science allows us to analyze, quantify & track microbial pathways that reveal how well your baby’s gut is digesting human milk oligosaccharides(HMO), how each of beneficial or toxin molecules are produced, & which biological function in the body is impacted as a result 

 Whole body comprehensive molecular & biological insights.

This determines your baby’s specific gut type. There are 7 gut types which determine level & functions of both beneficial bacteria & not so friendly ones. Beneficial ones are categorized into BGT 1 & BGT 2 while BGT 4 to BGT 7 are considered to be suboptimal. BGT 3 can have both beneficial & harmful bacteria. We also classify baby Gut type as BGT 2 to 7 plus BH/BL depending upon the level of colonization of beneficial bacteria-bifidobacterium. Baby’s gut type help you have understanding of your baby’ gut development during the first year & drives precision prebiotics & probiotics recommendations to recolonise baby’s gut.

Human milk Oligosaccharides, also known as human milk glycans, are some specific sugars that can be found in high concentrations in human breast milk. These specific sugars do not provide nutrition to the baby & cannot be digested by the baby. HMO are food for tiny little microbes living in the gut who ferment this specific sugar & convert them into short chain fatty acids- butyrate, acetate & propionate. These beneficial byproducts help in strengthening of gut lining, promoting child’s gut diversity, promoting development of digestive tract & immune system, reducing the pathogen infections and improving brain development and cognition.

Dominance of these bacterial species also makes sure that your baby is getting the right amount of folate, Vitamin B 12, B6 & K. There are some specific categories of bacteria who are equipped to ferment HMO into beneficial compounds. HMO Digestion matrix tells you if your baby’ gut has these specific bacteria & what is the level of HMO digestion. High score is considered to be beneficial.

Gut microbiome plays a key role in strengthening the immune system since 70% of immune cells reside along gut lining. First 1000 days of life provide an opportunity for beneficial bacteria- bifidobacterium to train neonatal immune system, inducing immune tolerance & reducing circulatory chronic inflammation.This beneficial bacteria ferments tryptophan in breast milk into indole-3-lactic acid.

Pathway(ILA) that regulates & modulates your child’s immune system while high presence of unfriendly bacteria- Enterobacteriaceae species ferment this tryptophan into p-cresol which is said to cause kidney disease in children. We study functional activity of your child’s microbiome & through our immune system health score tell you how well activity of your gut microbial population is promoting immune system health, converting tryptophan into indole-3-lactic acid Pathway(ILA) & fighting off pathogens. A high score is considered to be good.

Synapsis is a process that helps in formation & development of neural networks inside the brain which takes place after the baby is born.At an early stage of life, synapsis formation exceeds elimination , yielding excessive synapses essential for the assembly of neural networks in the brain. Overtime synaptic elimination outpaces synaptic formation, leading to maturation of synapses and neural circuits from childhood through adolescence. Synaptic formation & elimination is regulated by specific immune cells- microglia. Some specific bacteria- Bifidobacteria plays a key role in modulating microglia to shape up baby’s brain neural networks.

These specific microbes also convert sugars in HMO into short chain fatty acids such as acetate which passes the blood brain barrier & enters the brain where it supports brain development. However if your baby’s gut is dominated by not so friendly bacteria, it can convert tryptophan in breast milk into p-Cresol which can lead to onset & progression of Autism. Neonatal neurodevelopment score tells you if your synaptic pruning is dysregulated. Symptoms of dysregulated synaptic pruning include ADHD, Autism, bipolar disorder, anxiety issues. High score is considered beneficial.

Antibiotics Resistance Signature Score compares alpha & beta diversity & functional activity of unfriendly & antibiotics resistance bacteria with key beneficial bacteria in the gut. A high score indicates domination of beneficial bacteria over antibiotic resistant bacteria . A high score is considered to be good.

During the first 1000 days, the gut microbiome which a child acquires through the mother- both when it passes through the birth canal as well as through breast milk, shapes up his/her metabolic health. Over activity of some specific unfriendly bacteria & low dominance of bifidobacterium can lead to low levels of short chain fatty acid production that can increase risk of type 1 diabetes & obesity.

Our Metabolic health score tells you if some of pathogens are dominating baby’s gut microbial ecosystem, causing leaky gut, making them cross gut barrier & kill beta cells of Pancreas, thereby making baby’s body lose ability to produce insulin & causing insulin dysfunction.

This score measures the activities of your microbes that can contribute to or reflect inflammation in your gut environment. Inflammation in your gut takes place when your child’s microbiome metabolizes the food he/she eats into harmful molecules that can trigger food allergies, intolerances, skin issues, metabolic health issues or digestive troubles. This gives overall picture of level of inflammation taking place inside body of your child.

Based on the functional activity of your child’s microbiome, we can find out if gut bugs of your child’s is converting foods & prebiotics into harmful molecules, not producing enough short chain fatty acids , neurotransmitter GABA &/or low absorption of vitamin D, vitamin B9 & B12 & tell you if your child is moving towards or away from developing autism spectrum disorder.

This score assesses how the interactions between your child’s microbiome & the food he/she eats impact his/her digestive health.Our molecular & biological functions analysis assesses how well his/her body is digesting protein, carbs & fats. A status which is suboptimal means that your child’s current dietary choices is not supporting his/her microbes to improve your digestive efficiency & optimize nutrient absorption.

This score measures how activities of your child’s microbiome is impacting his/her gut health.Domination of unfriendly bacteria can lead to gut dysbiosis & leaky gut which can trigger metabolic, digestive & mental health issues. Our analysis can tell you what specific interventions can help reinstate gut health of your child.

3. Transform your health insights into nutrition interventions

We will bridge the gap between suboptimal biological functions & the foods you baby should avoid & minimize & which ones he/should should consume more to regulate & optimize them.

Learn what specific nutrition, prebiotics & probiotics interventions can bring back your baby’ gut health into state of balance & overcome chronic diseases, respiratory infections & allergies.

These interventions are carved out to

  • Improve your baby’s gut type from sub optimal( BGT 3 to BGT 7) to food( BGT 1 to BGT 2)
  • Support beneficial microbial activities to improve immune system intolerance, promote production of short chain fatty acids & healthy development of the brain.
  • Improve the diversity of beneficial bacteria so as to outsmart the pathogens
  • Learn why certain foods touted as healthy might be promoting inflammation & feeding pathogens living inside the gut 
  • Improve absorption of antioxidants that can overcome instances of oxidative stress & overcome susceptibility of developing metabolic diseases*.
  • Which specific foods can balance your gut microbiome composition & regulate their activities to optimize your overall health
  • Improve activity of microbes associated with improving overall wellness.

4. Introducing precision supplement interventions to regulate your child’s biology

Your child’s precision supplement, prebiotics & probiotics interventions are carved out to support the biological pathways which are suboptimal right now & your child’s nutrition interventions are sufficient to regulate them due to ongoing chronic & systemic inflammation 

This covers recommendations on how much of each of the following your body & microbiome needs daily

-amino acids, vitamins & minerals*

-anti-oxidants & adaptogens*

-food extracts & postbiotics*

-prebiotics & probiotics 

*for children above 3 years of age

5. Democratize your holistic health

All LILLBIO unique health insights & health interventions are blended into a research ecosystem which empower  healthcare practitioners to align their diagnosis & treatment with the unique biology of your child.

We send you a sample collection kit for collecting your stool swab. We pick your sample for carrying out its sequencing at our CAP certified lab. Everything you need to collect is included in the kit.

Receive your analysis & results digitally via web/mobile app.

We categorize over 320 foods into superfoods, moderate, minimize & avoid list & include 150 precision supplements recommendations covering amino acids, vitamins, minerals, food extracts, prebiotics, probiotics, antioxidants & adaptogen in exact amount/dosage & frequency to help you make right decision for your child’s biology daily for next 4-6 months.
