What’s covered?

Gut + Oral Microbiome + cellular health

Get a digital twin of your oral biology at molecular level & precise mechanisms of action for the healthier you with Asia’s first & only system biology platform that analyzes downstream biochemical functions of oral + gut microbiome. 

You will get 70 plus personalised molecular health insights & scores that tells your current state of health at molecular level, identifies early molecular signatures for range of chronic diseases & forms basis of personalising nutrition as medicine.

We will exhibit how nutritional therapeutics interventions based on your unique biochemistry can suppress the pro-inflammatory activities & promote beneficial biochemical functions, thereby bringing overall improvement in brain, cognitive, metabolic, gut, heart, oral, sexual & immune health. Our recommendations are designed to empower your body to fight with stress & different toxins, thereby impacting how you age biologically. 

Our cutting edge technology, backed by existing scientific literature, blends next generation sequencing & machine learning(mathematics) to deliver unique health insights & precise recommendations for nutrition, supplement, biotics & oral hygiene. The recommendations are based on current & latest development in the world of microbiome science which makes sure that the nutrients recommended to you meets your biochemical needs at molecular level.

When you go for the re-sequencing after 12 months, you could track how your recommendations tamed down inflammation & improved your biological pathway scores.

  • Gut Health
  • Oral health
  • Skin Health
  • Heart & Metabolic Health
  • Brain & Cognitive Health
  • Stress Response
  • Immune System Health
  • Hormonal Health
  • Inflammation Response
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Oral H2S
  • Oral Methyl Mercaptan Production
  • Oral Polyamines Production
  • Oral Ammonia Production
  • Oral Urease Pathways
  • Oral Butyrate Production
  • Oral Inflammatory Pathways
  • Oral Nitric Oxide Production
  • Oral Cavities promoting pathways
& 25 more
  • Butyrate Production
  • Oxalate Metabolism
  • Histamine Overproduction
  • Antioxidant Score
  • LPS Production
  • TMAO Production
& 19 more

Your personalised recommendations which cover 317 foods are categorised into superfood, enjoy, moderate & avoid. Given that the program is for 12 months, we revise your recommendations every quarter y based on improvement in your symptoms which we capture through our scientifically designed phenotype form. The recommendations are targeted to:

  • Promote beneficial gut & oral microbiome functions to promote anti-inflammatory activities.
  • Suppress proinflammatory activities such as Ammonia, Putrescine, Oral Protease production, LPS production.
  • Optimise nutrition absorption 
  • Promote microbial activities that stimulates butyrate & neurotransmitter production
  • Suppress the activities of gut & oral microbes producing toxins & metabolic waste
  • Rebalance oral & gut microbial functions to minimise the risk of leaky gums & leaky gut
  • Promote oral health & balance mouth pH level  by suppressing biofilm formation & bad breath creating metabolites such as H2S & methyl Mercaptan Production
  • Optimise glycemic response to 300 plus foods using proprietary glycemic response prediction model
  • Strengthen gut lining to improve digestive health
  • Suppressing pro-inflammatory activities involved in onset of cardiovascular disease & chronic kidney disease
  • Improve nitric oxide production that is connected with regulating wide range of whole body health including metabolic, digestive, cardiovascular & sexual health
  • Suppress volatile compounds involved in development of halitosis
  • Eliminate the early inflammatory molecules before type 2 diabetes manifests 
  • Improve energy efficiency by suppressing oxidative stress
  • & more

Our precise recommendations for supplements fill in the nutrient gap & meet your cellular needs caused due to current ongoing systemic inflammation. When considering the amount of each ingredient, we look at the activity level of 60 functional pathways & your phenotype & longitudinal data. The supplements recommendations are divided into:

  • Amino Acids
  • Food Extracts
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Adaptogens

Precision biotic (prebiotics + probiotics) & oral hygiene recommendations are computed to stimulate production of beneficial molecules & suppressing pro-inflammatory metabolites, thereby taming down inflammation & improving overall oral & systemic health. We carefully select specific strains, based on existing scientific literature, that aims to overcome issues such as:

  • Digestive discomfort, bloating, constipation & overall food motility
  • Gum bleeding, cavities, tooth decay & bad breath
  • Gut-brain & oral-brain health
  • Gut-heart & oral-heart health
  • Gut-skin & oral-skin health
  • Immune System Health
Our System biology platform empowers you to plan your daily diet from your precision food recommendations without any human intervention. In other words, you do not need a nutritionist or coach to plan a diet for you.

From your biological sample to unique molecular insights & interventions

Your body always sends signals years before symptoms arise. Starting with 5 million plus molecular data extracted from your biological sample, our system biology platform measures & quantifies hard to identify & asymptomatic molecular signals & translates into unique molecular insights that predicts onset of range of chronic diseases.

Our machine learning algorithm constructs precision nutritional therapeutics interventions that let you know which specific ingredients your body needs to suppress inflammatory functions & promote beneficial functions to bring your body back into homeostasis.

How interaction between your microbiome & external environment is impacting your brain health?
How interaction between your microbiome & external environment is impacting your digestive health?
How interaction between your microbiome & external environment is impacting your immune health?
How interaction between your microbiome & external environment is impacting your metabolic health?
How interaction between your microbiome & external environment is impacting your energy efficiency?
How your microbial derived metabolites are impacting your insulin response to various foods?
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Why test with Genefitletics?

Personalising nutrition as medicine based on your unique biochemistry

Genefitletics treats nutrition as a blend of science & mathematics. Using our next generation sequencing technology empowers you to go beyond guess work & anecdotal evidence. Our system biology platform measures your gut & oral microbiome functions to identify the specific nutrition needs of your body that suppress inflammation, nourishes your cells & promotes your health & vitality.

Scientific discoveries & technology at epicenter of our system biology approach

We identify sounds in your biology using our proprietary algorithm that is backed by 35000 existing scientific literature. New scientific literature is added every month.Your data not only benefits your biochemistry but also trains our algorithm & helps every new customer that joins our program with the objective of helping humanity live better lives. We have developed a disease detect platform as a result of discoveries made from molecular insights derived from your & other users data.

Address the root cause of diseases

Collection & processing 5 million molecular data points & translating them into 100 plus molecular pathways allows us to identify the specific biochemical functions a particular health condition stems from. This overcomes guess work & enables us to target specific metabolites causing inflammation to bring your body back into a state of balance.

Fix your biochemistry before disease develops

Your body gives signals years before post disease symptoms develop. Your gut & oral microbiome is dynamic & ever evolving & their interaction with external environment alters your biochemistry that triggers asymptomatic inflammatory signals. However, we measure & analyse these inflammatory signals before symptoms manifest. This allows us to recommend foods, supplements & biotics in specific quantities & frequency that eliminate these signals while stimulating production of beneficial metabolites & mitochondria biogenesis.

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Although DNA can tell about ancestry & rare genetic disorders, it cannot decode current health symptoms. DNA does not change during life & hence food interventions based solely on DNA does not change even if an individual experiences health issues. The underlying cause of multiple health issues is generally altered genes expression which is driven by human microbial functions.Genefitletics decodes & analyze microbial functions at molecular level & transform them into biological pathways to offer nutrition, supplement biotics interventions to help you bring back body in state of balance.

Most Microbiome testing companies, unlike Genefitletics, are just focussed on microbial DNA & can only tell you which microorganisms are there in the gut. They cannot decode functions of these microbes inside the gut, what they are doing, what they are producing, their activities & behavior. For instance, two people suffering from type 2 diabetes may have completely different organisms but these organisms produce the same metabolite that causes type 2 diabetes. These tests cannot even tell if those microbes are active or dormant.

Genefitletics ‘s microbiome therapeutics as a service decode functional activity of microbiome & gives a complete picture of metabolites being produced by microbiota such as production of beneficial byproducts- butyrate, antioxidants, vitamin & minerals & release of harmful toxins such as LPS, TMA, Methane, Ammonia, Putrescine & more.

Food sensitivity tests measure antibodies to foods. Foods that are listed on your food sensitivity tests may be actually good for you. You may be eating a lot of that food while suffering from intestinal permeability aka leaky gut. Leaky gut is the outcome of prolonged chronic inflammation that damages gut lining, allowing a lot of food particles & even bacteria to cross the barrier & enter the bloodstream & making the immune system release antibodies in response to those foods, bacteria or any other substances. The food sensitivity reactions are Ig mediated immune system responses causing inflammation & triggering symptoms such as bloating,constipation, headache, migraine & more.
