Holistic & most comprehensive vaginal biology test
-Decodes functional activity of full stack of gut & vaginal microbiome covering bacteria, fungi, yeast & viruses, archaea, protozoa
-Determine underlying cause of developing chronic diseases- metabolic, digestive, skin, mental & autoimmune diseases, recurrent infections- UTI, infertility issues, preterm births, cancer & more
-Gives unique health insights & biological pathway scores that reflect the current state of overall health.
-Gives precision nutrition & supplement, probiotics, postbiotics & probiotics interventions to overcome gut & vaginal dysbiosis
-Correlate your symptoms with functional activities/pathways of microbes
-Track & measure how your gut & vaginal microbiome is responding to your personalized health interventions every time you test.
- Track changes over time
- Non-refundable
- Free shipping
Entire gut & vagina species stack – activities & composition using whole genome sequencing
Get complete digital footprint of your biology
Get actionable & periodically trackable precision nutrition, supplement, prebiotics & probiotics interventions derived using our state of art translational science platform- PROTEBA
What to expect
Step 1: At home sample collection
We send you a sample collection kit. You need to collect your gut & vagine sample at home in two seperate tubes contained in the kit. The same will be picked up from your location
Collection Method : Stool+ Vagina Swab
Step 2: Receive your health insights
Within 3-4 weeks, your unique health insights & detailed biological analysis would be available on your personalized dashboard on both web & mobile app
Step 3: Your personalized nutrition, supplement prebiotics & probiotics recommendations
Your unique health interventions delivered via precision recommendations for foods, supplements, prebiotics & probiotics are selected and sorted by PROTEBA- our translational science algorithm to reflect what your body needs most based on your results.
Step 4: Optimize your Biology
Follow recommendations for 6 months & feel the benefits. Your recommendations for food change when you re-test.
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